The Not So Big House
Before Sarah Susanka published her best-selling series of books, starting with The Not So Big House, Heiland Hoff Architecture was already advocating strongly for the same concepts and values. We have designed plenty of 8,000 to 12,000 square foot residences, and we will design one for you if you insist. But we would prefer to create for you a smaller house that employs excellent space-saving features, allowing an equivalent lifestyle in a smaller space. If you choose to spend the same amount of money on a 2500 square foot house that you would have been willing to spend on a 5000 square foot house, it doubles the cost per square foot, allowing more spectacular luxury and splendor.
Hoff Residence, Talent, Oregon
Heiland Hoff himself chooses to live in a 900 square foot house. While it isn't for everyone, living in a not so big house is at least something you ought to consider.
Lindstrom Residence, Yountville, CA
Lindstrom Residence, Yountville, CA
Cooper Residence, Phoenix, Oregon
Cooper Residence, Phoenix, Oregon
Bullen Residence
Grants Pass, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Cheshire Residence
Jacksonville, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
North Wall of Donnell Residence
Jacksonville, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Historic Renovation
Heiland Hoff has designed a number of renovations of buildings on the National Historic Registry.
Francis Ford Coppola Historic Renovation, Saint Helena, CA
Darkwing Manor Historic Renovation, Phoenix, OR
Yes, we do additions and remodels!
Burck Kitchen Addition
Lebanon, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Mersh Bathroom Remodel
Shady Cove, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Donnell Residence
Jacksonville, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
And decks!
Mersh Deck
Shady Cove, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Mersh Outdoor Kitchen
Shady Cove, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Cheshire Residence
Jacksonville, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Cheshire Residence
Jacksonville, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
And barns, garages, and shops!
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Bill Murray's Shop
Ashland, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Treehouse Resort
Takelma, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Treehouse Resort
Takelma, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Heiland Hoff's Shop
Talent, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff
Mersh Carport
Shady Cove, Oregon
Heiland Hoff Architecture
Project Architect: Heiland Hoff